I see those "roll back" signs and I think to myself "holy shit, stuff is still sold for under $1.00! Don't mind if I do..."
They sell canned meat for 60 CENTS, I considered buying 10 and I'm vegetarian.
A bucket for $1.29?!? I don't even know what the hell you do with a bucket short of running a car wash or stashing body parts, but I can get 4 for under $5.00!
A microwave for $39.00?!? Hell yes! I have a built in, but why not have an extra?!?
And the people?!? The people are A.W.E.S.O.M.E. I mean what other store has an entire website devoted to the people who shop there?!? It's like the friggen state fair EVERYday.
So in short my friends:
A movie: $12.00
Dinner: $50.00
canned meat, a bucket, and people who think unitards are for daytime dressing: Priceless

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