Girlfriend, for real? Is this really the story you're trying to sell?
First of all, I'm not even sure it's possible to get black out drunk off wine coolers. They have like 1% alcohol content annnd they're so sweet I'm pretty sure you'll throw up long before you get black out drunk.
Second of all, if it was your first time, you'd know it. You'd wake up the next day knowing it.
She said she had wanted to wait until she was married to lose her virginity. Yaaah. I'm gonna call bullshit on this one. She said it was the first night she lost her virginity NOT the night she got pregnant. So clearly her wild crazy drunken night of wine coolers and sex didn't deter her from doing it again...and again.
Listen sister, no one cares. At this point you have the baby. And for God's sake, don't drink wine coolers. That's the real travesty of this story.

I think she was drunk off wine coolers every time she has sex with him. I mean, have you seen him? You would HAVE to be drunk!