I was recently in San Francisco at a bar. Not a fancy bar mind you. Just a plain ol' run of the mill bar. Lots of beer and fried food (ok and a veggie burger - it is San Francisco afterall). At one point I got up to use the restroom. As I approach I see the door on the right says "Barley", the door on the left says "Hops". Err is this a trick? Is this supposed to be some sort of game? or is it Unisex? I stood there a few minutes contemplating this notion. "hmm, is 'ley a feminine ending?" Shit. I really have to pee. Into door number 1 I went - Barley. The coast was clear. Whew. So I shut the door and looked up, and there they stood. At the urinal. "Err is this how we do it now?" Fuck.
Later when I went back to the bathroom a girl was waiting and said to me "I'm pretty sure Barley is mens". I replied "trust me I'm for sure it is". She said "yah the plaid wallpaper tipped me off". I politely responded "oh yah? The guy peeing standing up tipped me off".

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